Thursday, January 12, 2006

All is Consciousness -- life is meant to be easy

We are wanting to just add in a little bit of additional information to the post for today in Finding my way to Well-Being. It matters that all things are Consciousness, not Conscious, because it is the knowledge of the Living Presence that allows creating in the way you are desiring. You are calling it forth, dear one. You are saying, "come to me." And the answer to you is immediate and loving. "Yes, adored one, I am Here." Yes, the Holy Presence is that Loving and More. More than you can comprehend. More than you can accept. It is your fear of Love that keeps what you want away from you. Can you see that if all is Love and if you do not have what you want in your life, then it is because you are afraid of that Love?

Never fear. You can ask for help from your friends in non-physical. You can ask for help in managing all of the good things if it seems to be too much. You can ask for help if you have a wonderful person you have attracted and all of a sudden you look at them and wonder who they are. Suddenly they seem off on their own track and not the same person you thought they were at first. That is because when you first meet you are at a point of Oneness. You are both compatible because you are focusing on the Oneness between you. And then as your relationship goes on, you experience other expressions of their personality and their choices in life. If you hold on to that first experience and do not allow yourself to explore your spiritual natures together as you go through life, you create an actual rift like an earthquake that happens in the earth's crust when it will not shift and adjust against the adjacent sections. You either leave, come to a place where you work it through, or have some measure of separation between you forever. It does not have to be for all is truly Consciousness. You are safe. You are loved. All is truly well.

While we believe that you may read this and say it is easy for us to say -- what we are wanting you to know is that it is easy for you. It is too easy and you don't believe it. You have been taught that life is hard. It is not. It is soft and pliable and resilient. There are miracle healings and you have heard about them. Do you think they happen because of hardness or because of softness? Matter is energy engaged in a dance of constant creation. Nothing is solid and unyielding. Not even the floor you are standing on.

We are proponents of the soft and easy life. One of joy and discovery. One of exploration and fun. We know it is possible for all things are possible. It just depends on what you are wanting. But know this, whatever you are wanting, there is great eagerness in non-physical to assist you in the joyful desires of your heart. There is great love here for you. We are complete.


At Sunday, January 15, 2006 1:09:00 AM, Blogger Paprikapink said...

Hi Suzanne, I got here from Absolute Write. Your blogs are interesting. In many ways for me this feels validating to read -- I've come to many of the same conclusions myself. But here is where I get stuck: I think of people living in Iraq or other places known for extreme hardship and suffering.... even if I've got the most joyous life imaginable, it seems meaningless at worst and tainted at best if so many others are suffering. What are they to do? What am I, in the context of my joyous life, to do for them?

At Monday, January 23, 2006 9:00:00 PM, Blogger Suzanne said...

I don't know that there is a short answer to this, but this I do know. People who are sensitive have a more difficult time with this. In other words, because you do care, you feel it more. I know some people who believe in Justice or their religious beliefs give them a framework so that they don't feel pain about this as deeply.

I've been exploring spiritual ideas and concepts for many years searching for a way to feel good in spite of what I could see in the world and in myself. Geez, it's been tough not being perfect!

That's what I've been blogging about -- in this and my other blog -- looking for a way to feel good in this world. And along the way, I believe I will find a way to let others know how wonderful they are. I think if they realize that they will be able to hear their inner voice guiding them to what they need -- even in Iraq or anywhere else.

I remember the saying from years ago, "Earth's not a retirement home." We come here with free will and we have to allow others to have it, too. And along the way, find whatever way we can to be at peace. And do whatever we are led to do for others. They don't need to be fixed, but they do need to know they are loved. That's where I am with it now.

That's a really important question, paprikapink. Thank you for stopping by. "See" you at AW.


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