Monday, February 13, 2006

Rethinking my blogs

I'm rethinking this blog and my other blog, Finding my Way to Well-Being.

I began channeling about a year ago in a psychic development group. It was a wonderful experience. The beings I channeled are very alive and loving.

I wanted to continue sharing their energy of love and their words after I left that group. I tried taping myself, but it was difficult because I had to operate the tape machine. It wasn't easy to let go enough to channel. Perhaps that's something I could try again now that I have more experience channeling by writing.

Anyway, I tried channeling for myself by writing. I am much more conscious and aware when I am writing or taping myself than I was when I was in a group and could just relax and let them speak.

When I started taping myself and typing, I kept wondering if it was real. I was asking myself if I was making it up because I was more conscious. Whenever I would go back and read the words though, which was not often, it was amazing to me. I could always feel the comfort of their loving presence when I was typing.

So, I started this blog wanting to give the same experience to others. I've felt shy about it and concerned about the words coming through. Inhibited. I've relaxed more and more, but I don't channel very often here or for myself now. There's been so much change going on in my life.

I'm rethinking whether to continue with this blog and my other blog, Feeling my Way to Well-Being. I'm not sure what my purpose is with either of them anymore.

I wish you well and that you find beauty and love on your own path in life.


At Wednesday, October 11, 2006 10:17:00 AM, Blogger Suzanne said...

Thank you for sharing your light and good thoughts, Annie. Channeling our loving friends in non-physical is a wonderful experience and you have a very loving intention.

When I first began channeling, it was in a psychic development group. My guides and teachers presented themselves to me first and they manage the channeling from the non-physical side. I have always felt and have been safe.

Because I was writing the channeling, I was more conscious and aware. I wanted to make sure I was channeling and not making it up. The way my friends in non-physical have resolved this for me is that I don't edit or change any of the words. I may talk to them while I'm channeling and they may answer in their message, but their message is a whole piece...not only in words, but in energy.

Each channeling is an opportunity for me to attune to this Love in non-physical and to trust. Sometimes I still feel doubt, but I just go forward. I trust that what is meant to be expressed will be.

Angels watch over us all. There is love within us and all around us. Blessings, Annie.


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