Wednesday, June 07, 2006

When all seems to be falling apart around you, it is not

When all seems to be falling apart around you, it is not. It is your focus on that which is ending, for the physical world is very, very, VERY flexible and bendable and changeable. That is its nature for it is your playground, dependent upon your desires and intentions. So, what do you do? Focus upon that which you want. If you desire stability, focus upon that which is stable. If you desire abundance, focus upon the abundance that you already have. If you desire love, focus upon the love that is there in your life. Let that which is leaving take care of itself. Do what is needed, but focus upon that which you desire.

As your saying goes, when one door closes, another one opens. If you stand with your nose to the door that is closed, you do not see the new opportunities that are right before you!

It is our promise to you that opportunities are there for you. That what you desire is yours already and that all is well.


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