Follow the love to know who you are
We are pleased to visit with you awhile tonight. We know you are wanting words of reassurance and we can offer those to you. We know you are seeking the comfort of knowing who you really are, for that is the ultimate reassurance. You were taught in this world, to be this for mother, that for father, something else for teachers and for friends, until you lost your awareness of who you really are. You may have coped with this by rebellion and anger. Good for you! For there is grief in losing touch with the love that you are and anger is an understandable response. You may have coped by feeling sad or depressed and losing hope. We wrap you in a warm blanket of the comforting, loving energy. You may have coped by doing the "right things." But most of all, we want you to come to the realization that nothing is lost. Nothing could be lost. You cannot be anything but what you are. So, anything that feels less than love to you is not true. In your mystery novels, the detective's advice is to follow the money...that usually leads him or her to the criminal. It is our advice to you to follow the love. There are many ways to come to a remembrance of who you really are, but following the love will get you there every time. What do we mean by this? We mean when you are walking down the street, look at what you love. Trees? Sunshine? The glistening shine of rain on the streets? Whatever you enjoy. Even if just for a moment, listen to birds sing or notice the beauty of the colors. Listen for what you love to do and do some of that today. This is a gentle process. You are already doing so well, but there is more. There is an offering of joy for you right now. Trust that what you desire is given to you and enjoy the offering of love that is outpouring into your life right Now.
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