Tuesday, February 06, 2007

More about the Transformation that is now taking place

We are wanting to communicate further to you on the topic of the Holy Transformation that is now taking place, for all of you are affected by it whether you participate consciously or not. We want you to know that it is good. This transformation is the Second Coming that was predicted. It is not a mystery, but had been hidden due to the fears of man about the experience of Oneness. For the transformation is the Grace of experiencing your true nature -- your Holy nature as a child of God. It is nothing more or less than your natural state of joy and love expressing in these bodies and in this world. It is more than expressing though, it is a joining with the natural state of all things for there is naught but Love, naught but Grace, naught but the Glorious Presence that fills all hearts with Joy, that expresses as Life itself. We wish to speak clearly for this message has been given in mysteries down through the ages to keep it alive in the hearts and minds of men and women. Please know that this has been coming before the age of Christ. It is an ancient truth that has been lived on the earth before and will again. There have been other civilizations that were aware of their spiritual nature and followed the path of Truth in their own way. But this time it is for all. It is for the earth. It is for all of life in this space time continuum. It is not the ending, but the beginning of a greater expression of life and a true experience and enjoyment of the purpose of living in these bodies and experiencing the physical plane. From this clay great things will be created. Greater than you can imagine. Your brother Christ expressed it saying this and more that you would do. This is the truth. The Light has come into its own in every heart and mind. It is there. It is expressing. Have no doubts. Be at peace for it is good.

You are loved more than you could ever know with an everlasting love. We feel much joy in your presence and in the life that you are. We are your brothers in spirit and in truth. We are the Brotherhood of the Fifth Dimension.


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