Monday, June 19, 2006

Money flies to you on monkey wings

We are always glad to visit with you in your journey through this experience on earth. You do know that you live in Eden now, for it is in your mind and in your heart. Despite appearances, all is well. We understand that when appearances are to the contrary, you may say, but where is all this good that you have been saying is here for me? It is here, as close as the wind on your face. It can appear like a miracle to you, a transformation that happens in the blink of an eye. You are the one holding onto the appearance of the physical world, that money comes from a job or from someone's hand. It does not. We are here to tell you that it does not. Like a conjurer, it appears quietly and efficiently. You have a process in place in your civilization that explains this currency, but that is not how it appears. It is first an idea and then that idea manifests. It could manifest in millions, trillions of ways, but again, there is a process in place which focuses money to a certain time and place. IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE SO. You are not constrained by your societies' beliefs, but by your beliefs. Believe in miracles. Believe in magic. Believe in fairies! We do not care what assists you in loosening the bonds on your mind, on your thoughts. Allow your mind to roam free. Fantasize. Make up fables for yourself. Daydream of literally "rolling in dough," jumping and playing in huge piles of money. Free yourself once and for all of the bonds of dependence on this physical experience. For it is the other way around, the physical experience is in bonds to your creative genius. Be the light you intended to be, for you are already. Let yourself experience it.


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