Saturday, July 15, 2006

Change your focus if you desire to feel better

We are glad to join you today to talk about the topic of focus. When you are feeling blue and out-of-sorts, not finding anything of interest, it is because you are missing the connection that you receive when you focus. That is why Abraham and many teachers tell you to follow your bliss, your passion, your heart's desire. Because it is in that moment that you are truly experiencing who you are. You are the Light you are becoming in this world. You are the Light at that time and it is the pleasure of being who you really are that gives you the joy of the experience. It truly, truly does not matter what you do. It only matters what you feel as you are in action. True joy is loving and kind. The actions and experiences you have at that time will be loving, kind and joyful also. So, your task is to just be comfortably aware of yourself and how you are feeling. Just gently check in. You are working and feeling tired? Check in. What would be helpful? To stand and stretch? To look out the window a moment? To switch tasks? If you feel you have no alternatives then give your desire to the Universe and ask for thoughts that feel good. Ask for divine intervention in your experience. Guidance. The breath of angels on your cheek as they lean close to you. We cannot emphasize this enough. You CAN have what you want for what you want is the experience of who you truly are. So any time you are not feeling this connection, not experiencing it, then find some way to focus so that you feel good. Whether it be a thought or action, just ask and listen and the guidance will be there. Let it be as natural a part of your life as breathing, for you have been trained in school, by parents, by jobs, by friends and loved ones, to ignore this guidance and it is absolutely a moment by moment experience. You exist in the eternal Now whether you are having a physical or non-physical experience and so this moment is important to you. As always, do what feels good, of course! If you are not wanting to check in, then don't, but we are advising if you are feeling discomfort and wanting to feel better, to know that you have the ability to focus in the smallest or biggest ways and feel good. It is, indeed, an art...the art of living a life of joy moment by moment. When you realize that you have this choice, you will begin making more and more use of it. There are many roads to feeling good and choosing your focus in the physical world is one of them. This is all we wish to say at this time. May all be well with you Now and forevermore.


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