We would speak to you today on a topic of some importance. We realize we are sounding very formal at the moment, but that is just due to the newness of expressing through this channel for others to read. We are souls who have come together in this moment of the Now to express this information. We have not chosen a name. And we may come together again or not, as is needed.
There has been much discussion in your press about the recent tragedies in your American southern areas. We are all part of a much greater picture, a greater exploration of life you see. And in that picture we have all chosen our part to play. This is not set in stone, for there is only the great and magnificent creative Now. So, we are all…you experiencing this existence you call earth and we, who are non-physical to your physical…we are all making our choices simultaneously and continually. Can you see how creative, how vast is the symphony of life that is being expressed. It is immense, beyond the imagining of any except the Heart of Life, the Love That Is, that great beingness which you call God. We can tell you with absolute assurance, that those who are no longer in their physical bodies are experiencing the love that is all there is. There is no other existence in fact and all else is an illusion. The fear that is being felt and encouraged at this time about these tragedies is a mistaken understanding of the nature of these occurrences for they are adjustments due to the energies of those areas. Those that stayed and experienced the adjustments of the storms, chose to stay for their own reasons. No matter where you are, you create according to your thoughts. You do create your own reality. You could stand on the San Adreas fault when there was an earthquake and be bounced to safety if that was the belief and vibration of your being. If it was not, you could slip in your bathtub and exit your body at that time. Always, it is your choice. For at your highest soul level, you know there is nothing to fear, you know you are an eternal being, and that there is only love. We hear the desire of your heart to know this more fully in your mind, to know it consciously. There are many, many, many who are giving you this message now. You will draw to you what is needed for your greater joy. We are very pleased to be able to speak to you in this way. Just know that you are loved beyond anything you could ever imagine for the wonderful light that you are. We could speak endlessly on this and many more topics, but are keeping it short for this chosen format of expression. We are complete at this time.