Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Changing my focus from channeling in this blog


I'm going through a really nice transformation that involves going through things in my home and letting go of what no longer serves me, moving things around, and clarifying what I want now. New thinking and desires are flowing right in behind the letting go. It's an outer reflection of a change in my thinking and it feels great!

As part of it, the energy to channel has been refocusing for awhile and I haven't been as active with it. I've become aware of the desire to change my focus from this blog and not post channeling so I'm going to do it. It feels like a good thing to do and I know we will all be drawn to whatever we desire by a very loving Universe.

All There Is watches over thee and me with a tender and very personal love.

May you walk in beauty all of your days,


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Words for Lova

Hi Lova,

I just finished my comment to you saying that I would wait until I was rested to channel, but the words started almost immediately.

We want to encourage you to continue. You offer so much right now and have all of your life just by being the loving person that you are. You have made a difference in your family, your school mates, teachers, and all of those whose lives you touch. You are following your intuition right now and have been. Everything is in perfect timing. There is no need to rush or be concerned. When the time is right for changes it will be so easy for you!! Just keep walking the path of joy every day. There is no need for any concerns. There are many things coming into place in their perfect timing in a wide circle around you. As each part comes into place you will feel it and take action if it is needed. We encourage you to just enjoy this day, this moment in time, for that is all there is -- in an never-ending expression of love.

I can see an image of gold surrounded by fluffy white, and have the words that they see you as a golden flower, but it's time to get some sleep right now. The experience of channeling is so lovely and I thank you for this opportunity to express the loving words of our non-physical friends. ~ Suzanne

I'm coming back to this two days later and the energy seems to be complete on this message. Thank you again for this experience. Many blessings to you, Lova.

Monday, April 09, 2007

We speak through every heart in these days

We are speaking through every heart in these days so there is not the need as much for words spoken in this way. We are always glad to visit you, but know that the essence of who we all are -- the love that we all are -- is communing and communicating directly in so many ways that we could not even list them for you. You are getting messages and encouragement from every direction in most loving and lovely ways. Just know that we are with you and for you. Just know that you are watched over at all times and that all is well. We are your brothers in spirit and in truth. We are indeed the Brotherhood of the Fifth Dimension and we are here for you.