Saturday, July 29, 2006

Your vibration is changing and you will discern much more that is available

Ah, and well it is to see you again so soon. We greet you from the bottom of our hearts, from the deepest point of Love. What we would like to talk to you about tonight is the information about people from outer space. There has long been talk about us, about who we are and what we are about and it is very interesting. Some of it is accurate and some of it is nothing short of a story of fiction. How can you separate the truth from the "farthest from the truth?"

We will tell you that Bashar is our friend and yours and one you can trust. There are beings from many galaxies who cooperate in all manner of ways. Many of them are here on your planet today, right now. You may be talking to one right now! (We say this with much humor although you may not be able to tell by the words.)

What we are wanting you to know is that the information you have been given about Love being all that exists is true. This is the only planet that hasn't realized that and that is changing even as we speak together. There have been people from other planets who have visited you for eons. There are some visiting now! And all has been peaceful.

Contact will come. It is in the nature of the consciousness and transformation of this planet that you will be able to see, will be able to discern the vibrations, of much more than you do now. So, you will be able to see, hear, and enjoy the presence of those who have come a long way to greet you and be among you.

We wish you a good day, with all our hearts and souls. We are The Brotherhood of the Planets, also known as The Brotherhood.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Only Love exists and you are this Love shining in the Universe

We are pleased to visit with you once again on this glorious day, for each day is more glorious than the one before. More filled with Light. More filled with Love. More filled with Joy. More filled with all of the good things that you can imagine and more. For the Holy I AM, the creative life force of the Universe, is always becoming more. This force knows nothing else. Can be nothing else, but expanding Joy and Love. So it is when you are not seeing this, the world appears a dim place indeed. Such misery. Such hurts. They do not exist except in your mind! You create the world. You create what you see! You are not separate in any way whatsoever. We want you to really think about that. You are not separate in any manner or way. You are whole and complete in and of yourself. You seek this understanding with all of your heart, for it is the key to your happiness. Do not worry if you do not see or understand because you will understand. You will experience it fully and completely because it is the truth. The key to understanding -- the key that will unlock the door to remembrance of who you are is to love yourself. Just simply love yourself. And your Brother Christ has advised that you love others as you love yourself because this is the key to experiencing your wholeness. When you love yourself you will see only love wherever you look. You will understand what is beneath the surface of seeming rudeness and misunderstanding. And the best is that you will give that love out into the world. You are a shining light unto the world, right now, just as you are. You don't have to change. It is the truth of you. The love that you are is reflected out into the world. And that's all there is. It becomes easier and easier as you choose moment by moment to accept and allow who you are. Take baby steps, take giant steps, take whatever steps please you. You are on the path to this understanding no matter what. It is the truth and is inevitable.

This is all we wish to impart at this time.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Your choice creates worlds

We want to speak to you today about choices. You have the belief that to make the correct choice, the choice that leads to the conclusion that you desire, you must align yourself with what already is in some future time. For example, to pick the lottery ticket that will be chosen on Wednesday, you must align yourself with the numbers that will be chosen on Wednesday. You are much more powerful than that. You are so powerful you can literally create worlds, and do, often. You do this unknowingly, but we would assist you in doing this consciously.

Your choice is your choice, pure and simple. And hear us when we say this to you. The world revolves around YOUR choice, not the other way around. So, choose the lottery number that will be drawn on Wednesday night. That is the way it happens. All of your posturing around making the correct choice is headed in the wrong direction when you are seeking to align yourself with some event, person or thing in the outer world. Having that event, person or thing is what will happen, but not how it happens. You only need to align yourself with you. Be in accordance with you. Be in harmony with you. Love you. It truly is that simple. If you will trust, as a baby does, without thinking and just desire what you want, you will have it in your hand. Magic, miracles, moments of wonder are yours for the taking. You are alchemists, not tradesmen. You do not craft out of what you see, you create out of what is. And "what is" is a living explosion of energy thrusting into your view as mountains and oceans, sidewalks and tables, like the fireworks that explode into your view on your July 4th. This thrusting happens and happens and happens and happens in a constant creative dance. And it disappears, disappears, disappears just as quickly as the fireworks fade to be replaced by the new explosion of creativity in a dance so exciting it would take your breath away. What you call God or Source is a living, alive Presence of magnificent and loving Creativity with so much joy it cannot be contained, but must spill out as life itself.

We want you to begin becoming comfortable with this creativity for you are closer to awareness of its expression in and through you than ever before. Live it.

And when it comes to choices. Make your choice and live it now. Trust that it is yours for it is.

We are complete.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Change your focus if you desire to feel better

We are glad to join you today to talk about the topic of focus. When you are feeling blue and out-of-sorts, not finding anything of interest, it is because you are missing the connection that you receive when you focus. That is why Abraham and many teachers tell you to follow your bliss, your passion, your heart's desire. Because it is in that moment that you are truly experiencing who you are. You are the Light you are becoming in this world. You are the Light at that time and it is the pleasure of being who you really are that gives you the joy of the experience. It truly, truly does not matter what you do. It only matters what you feel as you are in action. True joy is loving and kind. The actions and experiences you have at that time will be loving, kind and joyful also. So, your task is to just be comfortably aware of yourself and how you are feeling. Just gently check in. You are working and feeling tired? Check in. What would be helpful? To stand and stretch? To look out the window a moment? To switch tasks? If you feel you have no alternatives then give your desire to the Universe and ask for thoughts that feel good. Ask for divine intervention in your experience. Guidance. The breath of angels on your cheek as they lean close to you. We cannot emphasize this enough. You CAN have what you want for what you want is the experience of who you truly are. So any time you are not feeling this connection, not experiencing it, then find some way to focus so that you feel good. Whether it be a thought or action, just ask and listen and the guidance will be there. Let it be as natural a part of your life as breathing, for you have been trained in school, by parents, by jobs, by friends and loved ones, to ignore this guidance and it is absolutely a moment by moment experience. You exist in the eternal Now whether you are having a physical or non-physical experience and so this moment is important to you. As always, do what feels good, of course! If you are not wanting to check in, then don't, but we are advising if you are feeling discomfort and wanting to feel better, to know that you have the ability to focus in the smallest or biggest ways and feel good. It is, indeed, an art...the art of living a life of joy moment by moment. When you realize that you have this choice, you will begin making more and more use of it. There are many roads to feeling good and choosing your focus in the physical world is one of them. This is all we wish to say at this time. May all be well with you Now and forevermore.