Friday, February 16, 2007

Be renewed by the spirit of ancient places

Suzanne is viewing a virtual tour of Iona, a rugged island off of Scotland. The attraction of these ancient sites is the energy of the place. There is no space, there is no time, there is only Now. And yet, the image changes with the expectations of the residents of the land and this earth. Those wishing to see the timeless nature of a place will see it. Those that view the physical expression only will see rocks stacked into the walls of the cloisters and abbey.

It is however, the nature of the place that holds the energy. The earth has been undisturbed here and the spirit of the place, of the earth in these ancient places, is strong because of that. Because there are ruins or remote ancient sites, the earth spirits and energies are allowed to express as they will do naturally. There is a distraction with electromagnetic lines and wires in more "civilized" regions that interferes with the natural perception of earth energy you would otherwise sense in the earth.

The trees and earth -- the ancient places -- are rich resources for the your nourishment of your own spirit, for in this body you are one with all of life. The connection in the places can be astonishing with much renewal for you.

That is why we advocate taking a deep breath of fresh air and enjoying it. To touch a tree and feel the bark and the life force. To watch the sun as it is setting. It is not only the peacefulness of enjoying the moment that renews you, it is also a connection to the spirit of the place -- the spirit of this most loving Mother Earth and Father Sun that gives to you unceasingly and lovingly of all good things.

Be of good cheer for all is well. We are the Brotherhood of the Fifth Dimension, your friends in spirit and in truth.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Become a naturalist in your own life

The word naturalist catches our attention for this will be the upcoming topic in one of Suzanne's other blogs. This word has been defined as someone who observes and is aware of nature, but we would point out another aspect of this concept. To be natural is to be who you truly are. A naturalist observes and reports the truth of behavior and experiences that he or she has with nature. There is great pleasure in this activity for the person who does this work experiences the Oneness of nature with All That Is.

We are suggesting that you become a naturalist in your own life. Suzanne just watched a movie about a young boy who was allowed to roam free in his youth to live his love of nature and follow his heart. We suggest that it would be of great benefit to you to roam free in the life that you want to lead. Make your choices based on what pleases you in this moment. It may be a habit to choose based on what others think or what is advertised or for sale. There is pleasure with that activity and we advocate enjoying life in every way possible.

But we also advocate running wild and following your impulses and desires. We advocate finding out who you really are by not thinking, but just doing what feels good to you. If there seem to be too many obligations, just begin where you can. Take a bath instead of a shower if that feels good. Prepare some delicious tea or cocoa and watch the sunset. Take a moment and smell the fresh air when you step out doors. Let yourself run wild with no purpose than the joy of the moment.

That is all for this time, but it is a message of much importance in your well-being. We love you with an everlasting love. We are your brothers in spirit and in truth. We are the Brotherhood of the Fifth Dimension.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Love is everywhere

We have come forth this day in a new way with a new message of hope. We know that you have been seeing circumstances that appear to be less than loving, but we wish you to know that love is always present and that these circumstances are nothing but shadows. We join with you in keeping faith through this day and all the days to come. The transformation you have been working for is here already. Just know it. Miracles are happening in so many ways we cannot count them if we wanted to. There is much activity and excitement in non-physical as there is with those in the physical world who are aware of the Truth that is now everywhere apparent.

Look for love wherever you are and you will see it.

We send our love. Just know that we are with you and for you. We are the Brotherhood of the Fifth Dimension, your friends in spirit and in truth.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

More about the Transformation that is now taking place

We are wanting to communicate further to you on the topic of the Holy Transformation that is now taking place, for all of you are affected by it whether you participate consciously or not. We want you to know that it is good. This transformation is the Second Coming that was predicted. It is not a mystery, but had been hidden due to the fears of man about the experience of Oneness. For the transformation is the Grace of experiencing your true nature -- your Holy nature as a child of God. It is nothing more or less than your natural state of joy and love expressing in these bodies and in this world. It is more than expressing though, it is a joining with the natural state of all things for there is naught but Love, naught but Grace, naught but the Glorious Presence that fills all hearts with Joy, that expresses as Life itself. We wish to speak clearly for this message has been given in mysteries down through the ages to keep it alive in the hearts and minds of men and women. Please know that this has been coming before the age of Christ. It is an ancient truth that has been lived on the earth before and will again. There have been other civilizations that were aware of their spiritual nature and followed the path of Truth in their own way. But this time it is for all. It is for the earth. It is for all of life in this space time continuum. It is not the ending, but the beginning of a greater expression of life and a true experience and enjoyment of the purpose of living in these bodies and experiencing the physical plane. From this clay great things will be created. Greater than you can imagine. Your brother Christ expressed it saying this and more that you would do. This is the truth. The Light has come into its own in every heart and mind. It is there. It is expressing. Have no doubts. Be at peace for it is good.

You are loved more than you could ever know with an everlasting love. We feel much joy in your presence and in the life that you are. We are your brothers in spirit and in truth. We are the Brotherhood of the Fifth Dimension.

The transformation is in progress

Oh, we are having such fun with all of the new awareness and energies being explored now. The transformation that has been long awaited has already begun. You are all in the flow of it and enjoying it or not according to your view. We encourage you to seek the well-being that is naturally yours by focusing on that which pleases you. For nothing else provides the forward momentum you desire as joy.

All is well. You know this in your heart of hearts and that is serving you well now -- guiding you. We walk with you on your path and we talk with you telling you All is Well.

Now it is your comfort and your joy to know this truth. All is well.