Saturday, November 26, 2005

The nature of your guides and teachers

Suzanne has asked if we wish to say anything and we are always ready to talk to our friends in this way. We would like to talk to you today about your guides and teachers. There is some misunderstanding of this term, some confusion, which we would like to clarify. We must state first that this has come in answer to questions which are being put out to us. It is for those who are asking this question, in other words.

Your guides and teachers are not separate from you, for no one thing is separate from another. And yet there is the individual expression of everything that you see and that which is unseen. So, your guides and teachers are not separate from you in spirit, they are expressions of your desires as is everything that you see. We are not suggesting that you are in a fish bowl seeing your life projected in front of your face. What we are saying is that in the nature of creation, all things are attracted to you by who you are in essence. So, can you see that they are a match to you, but in the greatest sense of who you are.

You are more than you know of yourself. Much, much more! And here in your earth experience you may have a friend that you like to play games and visit with. Another friend that you go to movies with. Ski... play football... date... cook with... lover... husband... wife and so on. And they match you in some ways, not all, but some. So, in this way you can experience how much there is to you that it would take all of these people to match to you.

And what we are wanting to say to you about your guides and teachers then is that they are your highest self calling to you. Your friends who cares for you in spirit and in truth. They are on your side. But please note carefully, you are the creator of this life and no other can take that from you. They are there to answer your call, to watch over you, to help you remember who you really are. They are truly your friends in deed as well as word, for they will answer your call.

They are the living spirit of truth that watches over you. Just ask.

And if you have read something that we have spoken and wish an answer to a question, please let us know in comment and we will answer you with our willing hearts. May God be with you today and always.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Just ask and it will come to you

Just ask and it will come to you. The Universe will rush to answer your call. If you ask for understanding you will find books and movies and casual conversations that illuminate you and lead you to the next understanding. The wind will whisper in your ear. You'll be standing and look at the light on a tree and see each individual leaf and see that all of them are an expression of the life of the tree and you will understand Oneness. You'll look at your hand and it will speak to you. Each digit with an individual purpose, but expressions of the one hand. Everything in you and around you will answer the call you have given. And the answer will be in absolute love. Have no fear. There is nothing greater...nothing that you could do that is greater than to live in the love that surrounds and fills you. It is your purpose and your joy to know this, to feel it. It is not hard. It is easy for it is what you truly are. Everything else is an illusion. We promise you this. If you will heed our words, your life will change in an instant, for you will be living your truth. Love yourself as we love you. Relax. Enjoy this day. Enjoy this moment. Enjoy your questing and questions and exploring and learning for it is all a part of the expansion of the love that you are. We are for you and with you. We are the Fellowship of the Fifth Dimension.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

You are loved more than you could possibly know

We just want to say to you how much you are loved. More than you can know. From our place of utter contentment and peace, we want you to know that all is well. We are here for you and with you. Love itself is always with you. You are One, for there is only One, and there is no separation at all. Think about this when you feel sad or separated in any way for that is not the truth. It cannot be. In the face of what the world is telling you. . . in the face of what your mind is telling you (for it looks at the world). . . let your heart guide you safely through to your connection. We send you our love.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

You are enough

We are eager to speak to you today for there is much that is happening energetically. There is an alignment occuring in many phases: physically, emotionally, and in all dimensions of what you know as reality. This is a very good thing and has long been prophesied, even in your Christian biblical texts and in those of many religions. Christ Himself, the Soul of Light, has never left you as believed, but has always been with you. Now you will ascend to the level of awareness where you will perceive Him and the Beings of Light who serve Love Itself. You are one of them for there can be nothing else. There is only Love. There is only what you call God. There is only One and nothing more. All else is an illusion.

Our message to you today is simple. Let yourself be ok. Right now. There is nothing more that needs to be added to you for any reason. Nothing! And if you will do this, it is our promise to you, that the miseries and fears will lift from you, for they are not real. So much time and energy is spent in trying to lift fears and unworthiness that comes from outside of you. Yes, it is your thought, but know that it MUST come from outside of you because in truth you are a shining light. There is no reason at all that these negative thoughts and feelings would have their source IN you, but only what you have picked up or have been told . . . what you have learned by watching others.

What would happen if you were enough right now? If nothing needed to be added to you? You wouldn't stop living. We are not suggesting that you would stop learning or growing or experiencing new things. As a matter of fact, your experience of life would broaden and accelerate joyously. We are one of many voices on your planet saying to you that you are enough. That your actions are not needed to make you more, but only so that you may enjoy whatever it is you are doing. You are enough. There is nothing that need be added to you. Above all, all is well.