Sunday, December 11, 2005

Why yearning doesn't feel good.

Past, Present, or Future?

Your place of power is always in the present moment. You will not find your power - - you will not reclaim it - - unless you look for it in the only place it can ever live: the present moment.

Sentinels of the Sky: Conversations with Chief Joseph
Copyright © 2005 Great Western Publishing

Past, Present, or Future is the title of one of Chief Joseph's readings that are for sale online. I was yearning for money as I was reading through the descriptions of the readings and as I read the one above I got this understanding: The reason yearning feels unpleasant and uncomfortable is because it is not present moment. Then I started channeling, so I include it here.


As a matter of fact, yearning is desiring a future that you do not desire in truth. Your yearning gets you in touch with the lack, the future that you do not want. Yes, indeed, the solution is to be in the present and to do whatever you can to realize that you have what you want right now. You are safe, you are warm, you have a comfortable home, your big toe feels good...if you look at whatever feels good to you in the moment you will remember that all is well. And as you look at this good, if you will allow it, there will be more good that you can see out of the corner of your eye and you look at it and then there is more and pretty soon you are feeling pretty good!!! We are complete.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Joining with the non-physical realm of Spirit and truth

We would like to talk to you about the joy and pleasure of communing, of communicating with those in the non-physical. If you do not remember who you truly are, then it may seem like an odd thing or perhaps frightening to you, because you have forgotten the pure love that you are and that this is the nature of all things. We are not saying that all in the non-physical remember that they are true love either, but there is indeed nothing else. So, we would reassure you at this point that you are in control of what you allow into your existence, whether it be in the physical or non-physical world. As the ad campaigns used to say, "Just say, no." If it is not in your interest or your desire, say no.

But that is not why we are wishing to speak to you, it is to answer the question which has been put forward of why a person would wish to channel. We are speaking now of our communion with Suzanne and our knowledge of her and of our own intention. And we can tell you that Suzanne has said many times that the "dead guys are more alive than we are". There is a sharing of the life spirit, an attunement of the pure essence of each that occurs with the channeling. Both are changed by the experience and both learn -- the channeler and the non-physical soul or group of souls. There is no separation in spirit or in truth, but we all have our individual perspective. In the experience of channeling, our oneness is shared in a very new way! It is most interesting and exciting to us for we know and commune with the soul of Suzanne, that expression of her soul that stays in non-physical you see. And then during the moments of aligning our vibrations to the highest possible for her in the physical body, we also experience her perspective on the earth plane. We are aware of the physical, but in an energetic sense. When we align with her, we are aware of the full physical experience you see, and we are able to learn from this while not being expressed in the distraction of a physical body.

And we also come to this experience of channeling because it is the desire of our heart for all to know the joy that they are in their essence and their truth. It is our wish for your light to shine to the four corners of the Universe, for we see you as the bright lights that you are. It is our intention to support you in knowing this in any way we can.

Not everyone has the intention or desire to channel and we are not suggesting that this is something you should explore if it is not in your heart. There is no need to do so, for you can join with that glorious love of All That Is, the holy presence of the I AM, when you are in any activity that is full of joy for you. Write, sew, design, draw, watch birds sing and feed, smell fresh air, smell that beautiful smell of a baby, feel your fingers touch the rough surface and the smooth. It is all there for your pleasure and your enjoyment. And when you are in that moment of enjoying and creating, you are at one with the non-physical: with your own soul, with your loved ones in spirit, your guides and teachers, angels and that most Holy Presence. Enjoy it fully in that moment and go to another moment and seek your joy and so on. For the day is put before you like a carpet of beautiful flowers, filled with the most wonderous things. Suzanne has had an experience that we ask her to share in her other writing journal online that will tell you how this can happen when you are not seeing that beauty. Believe us, it is there. We are asking her to inform you of this for your pleasure.

We are complete for this time. We will end by saying to you that you are loved more than you could possibly know at this time. Ask for any thing and it is given to you by those that love you deeply. This life is not a test or a trial. The life you have beyond this body is not heaven or hell. There is only Love Itself and it is good beyond measure. We are the Brotherhood of the Fifth Dimension and we are complete for this time.