Saturday, January 21, 2006

If you feel sadness now...

Dear Ones, there is a wave of sadness swimming through the earth plane at this time. It is a natural occurence in the tide of change that is occuring. Fear not. And most of all, do not take in unto yourself. It is a mass release, a healing of the sickness that has been tied unto this civilization. There are many feelings that are being released in this wave and together they will feel like sadness in your heart. Just know that they are not yours to keep. Emotionally sensitive ones will be feeling this more. It is not tied to world events. It is a part of the healing for the new times that are now being manifested. Just remember that all is well. Tell yourself that all is well and see how you feel. Does your heart not rise up to meet that phrase? Do you not feel a little bit better when you say it? That is because it is meeting the part of you that knows that all truly is well. The sadness comes from without. It is a reponse to that from outside of you. For your true nature is absolute joy. Find your place in the Universe and claim it. All is well. That is all for this time.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

All is Consciousness -- life is meant to be easy

We are wanting to just add in a little bit of additional information to the post for today in Finding my way to Well-Being. It matters that all things are Consciousness, not Conscious, because it is the knowledge of the Living Presence that allows creating in the way you are desiring. You are calling it forth, dear one. You are saying, "come to me." And the answer to you is immediate and loving. "Yes, adored one, I am Here." Yes, the Holy Presence is that Loving and More. More than you can comprehend. More than you can accept. It is your fear of Love that keeps what you want away from you. Can you see that if all is Love and if you do not have what you want in your life, then it is because you are afraid of that Love?

Never fear. You can ask for help from your friends in non-physical. You can ask for help in managing all of the good things if it seems to be too much. You can ask for help if you have a wonderful person you have attracted and all of a sudden you look at them and wonder who they are. Suddenly they seem off on their own track and not the same person you thought they were at first. That is because when you first meet you are at a point of Oneness. You are both compatible because you are focusing on the Oneness between you. And then as your relationship goes on, you experience other expressions of their personality and their choices in life. If you hold on to that first experience and do not allow yourself to explore your spiritual natures together as you go through life, you create an actual rift like an earthquake that happens in the earth's crust when it will not shift and adjust against the adjacent sections. You either leave, come to a place where you work it through, or have some measure of separation between you forever. It does not have to be for all is truly Consciousness. You are safe. You are loved. All is truly well.

While we believe that you may read this and say it is easy for us to say -- what we are wanting you to know is that it is easy for you. It is too easy and you don't believe it. You have been taught that life is hard. It is not. It is soft and pliable and resilient. There are miracle healings and you have heard about them. Do you think they happen because of hardness or because of softness? Matter is energy engaged in a dance of constant creation. Nothing is solid and unyielding. Not even the floor you are standing on.

We are proponents of the soft and easy life. One of joy and discovery. One of exploration and fun. We know it is possible for all things are possible. It just depends on what you are wanting. But know this, whatever you are wanting, there is great eagerness in non-physical to assist you in the joyful desires of your heart. There is great love here for you. We are complete.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


We are here to speak to you on a matter of some importance to you day by day. How do you make choices? What if you want to be happy? How do you make that choice that makes you happy? And we will tell you that you don't! You can never make a choice that makes you happy for happiness is your true nature. You can only make a choice that gets you in touch with that feeling or make a choice that does not get you in touch with that feeling. And then you say that you made the wrong choice. You did not make the wrong choice, you just made one that doesn't feel good to you. So, how do you make a choice that feels happy? WHEN YOU TRUST. We will say it again. WHEN YOU TRUST. Trust what? Just trust. You do not have to put your trust in any other thing or person. It is also your nature to trust and that means listening to your inner voice of guidance. When you trust and you make a decision and don't feel good, you don't get all over yourself -- asking why you were so stupid? Why didn't you see it coming? If you saw it coming you wouldn't make that choice. There is something about it that you did not see coming and that's why you made that decision. There is something there that you still believe could make you happy. But it won't.

So, you ask, how can I be happy? You have to trust that what you want is good for you. You have to allow yourself to learn. You will never get it done. Ever. Ever. Ever. You are an eternal being -- a soul who never ends. You will never be perfect and you wouldn't want to be. It sounds perfectly boring to us. But we will agree with you that you would like to have a lot more fun than you are having.

So, that is why we are saying that you have to trust to make choices that feel good. Choices where you feel happy. You will need to trust that what you desire is good. You have to believe in yourself. For you are a powerful creator and whatever you believe in will manifest. You have to hold to the path you are desiring. Ask for assistance in whatever comes up. You have guides, teachers, angels, your inner being, and the Holy Presence of All That Is assisting you with every step. You must ask. That is the nature of this experience. You must ask. But trust us when we say that we are here with utmost love to serve you in your earth experience. And when we say "we" the meaning may be those of us speaking now or your guardian angels, guides, and teachers. There is no heirarchy of help in heaven or in earth, but there is a way for things to work out for your greatest good.

We are easier about following the path of service because we see the value in everything we do. We literally see the love manifesting and it is a glorious sight. So, when we are saying "ask", we want you to know we have our own intention and are letting you know this. It is of mutual benefit. It is a wonderous experience to see the love manifesting, to see the changes in those that we love. There is much celebration here when you allow yourself to feel good in some new way, especially when you celebrate. When you say, WOW, I got it!! Boy, do we love that. There are many smiles and much happiness that goes around. Yes, we in non-physical can smile and love and express same.

So we will conclude by saying that we are ecstatic over the changes that are occuring. There is so much good that is happening now. A Great Awakening is indeed taking place. When your universe changes, your individual universe, then they all change. The love that you are goes before you.

We are complete. We love you with an eternal love that we are happy to report is never ending. That is all.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Confidence is that feeling of reassurance that you are in alignment with your higher self. You KNOW that you have done the right thing and done it well. It is actually easy to follow your inner voice because it is what you are meant to do. It is how you are "wired" emotionally. The part that becomes difficult is trusting that what you want is ok or will work or won't get you in trouble or you won't feel silly for doing it or even thinking it or... well, you get the idea. There are a thousand reasons not to believe in yourself and only one reason to trust -- and that is because you will only truly be happy when you allow yourself to listen to the voice within your heart. You don't have to wait. You don't have to become a better person. You don't have to get a degree. You don't have to get married. You don't even have to take a shower and straighten up your room. You just have to believe and give it a try. We would advise not telling anyone unless it is someone who can just listen and support you in your dreams. The voice of the heart often sounds crazy to someone else. What!? You're not going to use that law degree? What do you mean you want to paint?!! If painting makes you happy and you don't have money, you will find a way. There are innumerable ways for God to bring you what you want. Someone can ask you to house sit. You can rent some tumbled down shanty by the sea. You can take your canvas to the park. You can take a class. You can just begin and do it because you love it and it makes you feel good. It is often that there are people around that just won't understand because they think in terms of practicality and dollars and sense. We are not knocking that at all, we are applauding everyone and anyone who is in alignment with their life intentions. We are saying that not everyone wants to do the same thing. As a matter of fact, no two people want to do exactly the same thing in the same way! There is plenty of room for every good desire. And Source does answer your every call. The way to confidence is to trust that what you want is ok. You will feel so much better if you do. If you allow yourself to do that, it will energize you and you will get those things done that would have seemed draining chores to you before. Now they will be as easy as pie. You will be open to others and they will respond. The world will beat a path to your door and tell you they love you. We have to admit here that not everyone wants the world at their doorstep! What we are saying is that love will find a way to bring you what you want, not perhaps in the exact way you are desiring, but absolutely in the spirit of what you are wanting. You may not win the lottery, but you can pay your bills in a way that makes you happy. You may not win the Pulitzer, but you can write and have others read and appreciate your work. You may not be the President of the United States, but you can be the president of a club of importance to you. You can rule your own life. You can be the king in charge of your own kingdom for there is no other truth. You are the creator of your own reality. In tandem with others, in concert with others, allowing yourself to be influenced by others by your own choice...but it is your world, your universe to explore and expand into joyously and forever. We are complete!!