This is the time when joy is being manifested on the earth
We are grateful for this opportunity to share our words of well-being with you, for the word is indeed, that all is well. There is no opportunity that can be denied to you for your Father Who Art in Heaven loves you with a never ending love. We are not saying that there is only the biblical Father, there is The Mother, the Nature of Love Itself, an unending and continual stream of well-being that flows. And you are indeed on the cutting edge of that stream, extending well-being. Do you hear that? You are extending well-being by living your life. Never fear that you are not worthy, for you are. You cannot be anything else because you are a direct expression of love itself. So is a tree, a rock, the molecules of the sky, a comet, a planet, a spaceship, and all things that are created. All worthy. All perfect. All beautiful. When you see that. Truly see that. Your life will be filled with joy for you are joy-seeking beings. It is a truth that many are telling you because this is the time when that understanding is being manifested in the earth. Tune in and turn on to the greatest time in your life for it is here. Now. That is all we wish to say at this time.